Don't forget to pick up your Mother's Day tea craft kits at the church today from 3-5! I will wave to your from the classroom windows!
Yesterday I was looking for new play dough recipes and I came across a bird seed play dough recipe! I had to share it and I hope you'll try making it!
Here is the recipe:
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
Bird Seed
Directions: Mix flour and salt together. Slowly add in water until the flour and salt are incorporated into a dough but not sticky. It took me about 2 cups of water. I also added about 1 TB of oil because it still felt sticky. Sprinkle in the bird seed.
What can you create with the play dough? Can you make a bird? A nest? Bird eggs?
The first time we did a play dough activity I challenged you to make play dough letters. This time I challenge you to make play dough numbers!
Some parents have asked for the "number rhymes" that we use at school to help us write/create numbers. Here they are!
1- Come right down and 1 is done
2- Around the railroad track and back
3- Around the tree, around the tree, that is how you make a 3
4- Line down, line across, then down some more. That is how you make a 4!
5- Short neck, belly fat, number 5 wears a hat!
6- Draw a line, then an o, that is how you make a 6 you know!
7- Line across, then down from heaven, that is how you make a 7!
8- Draw an S then line up straight. That is how you make an 8!
9- Draw a circle then a line, that is how you make a 9!
Now find something to stick in your play dough. It could be toothpicks, buttons, golf tees, stones, etc. Stick 1 object in your play dough number 1, 2 objects in your play dough number 2, 3 objects in your play dough number 3, and so on.
Let's play an addition game! Print out this bird's nest, draw your own, or use your imagination and build your own. Use play dough to roll small balls. These will be your eggs. You will need two dice. There are addition and subtraction versions of this game!

Addition version: Roll two dice. Count the total number of dots on both dice. Count that many eggs and add to your nest!
Subtraction version: Start with 10 eggs in your nest. Roll 1 die. Count the number of dots on your die. Take that many eggs out of your nest. How many are left?
Challenge: Write number sentences to go along with your game (3+5=8, 10-7=3).
Not ready for addition and subtraction? Just roll one die and work on counting that many eggs.
Lastly, with your play dough try to make a wacky sculpture! Do you remember when we were learning about famous artists for our art show and we learned about Picasso? We learned that he made sculptures and paintings that looked a little different! He used lots of bright colors and bold shapes. Can you make a wacky play dough sculpture?
Try using different materials for your sculpture! The picture shows pasta noodles and buttons, but you could also try Q-tip, pretzel sticks, beads, twigs, etc. How many beads or buttons can you stack?
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