Did you make your special surprise pictures for Miss Cheryl, Miss Karen and Miss Tiffany? Don't forget to send me a picture so I can put the surprise together! They will love it!
Did you know that other animals make nests too? Not just birds! Can you think of any other animals that make nests? Mav sent us a video yesterday of a kind of nest that wasn't made from a bird on Marco Polo. Do you remember what it was?
Miss Carol said that these little bugs were baby praying mantises. She said their nest is called a ootheca that can hold up to 400 eggs! Wow, thanks for sharing Mav! Do you know what a praying mantis is? Here is a picture of an adult praying mantis.
Do you know what other kinds of bugs make nests? Can you find any outside?
It's time for some math! Let's learn some new dice games. All you need for these games are dice, paper, and crayons. Here are a few games to try out at home today to practice counting and adding. Have fun!
Dice Match and Color: On a piece of paper, have a grown write the numbers 1-6 or 2-12. Write each number a few times each all around the paper. Then roll one die or two dice. If you roll one die, count the number of dots on the die and color or trace that number on your paper. If you roll two dice, count the total number of dots on each die, adding them together. Color or trace the number that is the total.
(Parents, make this appropriate for your child. If they are working on counting and identifying numbers, use one die and numbers 1-6. If ready to add two groups together, use two dice and numbers 2-12. If they need more of a challenge, use 3 dice or have them write a number sentence to go along with it. [5+3=8 is a number sentence.])

Roll and Build: Get out some blocks. Roll the die. Count the dots and count that number of blocks. Build something with that number of blocks. Roll the die again to add on to your block creation. In the end, count how many blocks you used all together!
Tug O War: This is one of my favorites! You need a long strip of paper. Draw a dot in the middle. Write the numbers 1-10 (or 1-20) on the strip on both sides of your dot. Put one game piece on the dot. Each player has a side of the strip. Each player takes turns rolling the die, moving the game piece closer to their side of the number strip. Whoever gets the game piece to 10 (or 20) first is the winner! See below:
Enjoy, mathematicians!
Also, in case you missed it on Facebook:
We are supposed to be celebrating mothers next week at our annual Mother’s Day Tea. I still want to do something to celebrate and honor all the amazing mamas of The Nest, so I will be putting together DIY Mother’s Day teacup kits for you to do with your child at home. Kits will be available to be picked up from 3-5 on Thursday, May 7. They will be in a box outside the classroom windows and I will be inside the classroom waving! If you need to arrange an alternative pickup time, please send me an email. In addition, if your child will be transitioning to kindergarten next year there will be a graduation cap to be picked up that they can wear at our virtual Preschool Celebration on May 27. Hope to “see” you then!
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