I sure loved seeing some of your faces and hearing your sweet voices on the Marco Polo app! I miss you all!
Here are some of the great nests that were built yesterday during our nest challenges.

I have exciting news! Can you guess it?
The eggs were laid in the nest at Emma's house! How many eggs did the mama bird lay? Look back at the predictions you made in your notebook. Did you predict correctly?
Emma and her family identified the mama and daddy bird as house finches. The picture above is of the mama bird. What color is she? Now look at a picture of a daddy house finch. How are they the same? How are they different?
I wonder how many days it will take for the eggs to hatch? I wonder if they will look like the mama bird, the daddy bird or something different?
Yesterday, one of our challenges was to build a life size nest that you and someone else could really fit inside. These were big nests! Much bigger than the nest of a house finch or a robin. I wonder what kind of bird builds the biggest nest? Well, I did some research and found that the bird that builds the biggest nest is called the sociable weaver. This is a bird that lives in Africa. Here is a picture of one of their HUGE nests!

Wow! While we don't have sociable weavers where we live, we do have bald eagles. Bald eagles are birds that build the BIGGEST nests in our country. Bald eagles build their nests high up in tall trees or mountaintops out of large sticks. Magdalina's mom shared this really awesome webcam with me of a LIVE bald eagle nest on an island by California. This is so cool! LIVE means it is a video that is being taken right now! Check out this bald eagle nest and the sweet baby eagles living there.
While I am watching I see one baby bald eagle sleeping. I can also see the feathers of one of the parent eagles. I predict the parent eagle is watching the baby making sure it is safe!
Here is a picture of the beautiful Catalina Island where those eagles are living.
Here is a story about a baby eagle learning to fly. I love this story because it's all about not giving up! Even when things get hard! Do you remember what that is called? It's called Growth Mindset! We might not be able to do something YET, but we can learn! Just like the baby eagle in this story.
And just in case you need a reminder about growth mindset, here is the song we learned in the beginning of the school year!
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