Games, Videos and Resources

Enjoy these games, videos and resources! They are divided into categories by row. Row 1: Parent Resources Row 2: Christian Education and Social Emotional Growth Row 3: Gross Motor: Yoga, Dance and Breathing Exercises Row 4: Art activities and digital art Row 5: Math games and videos Row 6: Literacy games and videos

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Thursday, April 9

Hi friends!

Let's take a look at some of your webs and nests!

I can't wait to see some more nests as you discover them.  Charlie and I watched two birds carrying twigs to their nest inside a birdhouse we have hanging outside of our window.  We discovered the two birds are cute little chickadees!  Here is a picture of a chickadee.
Black-capped Chickadee Identification, All About Birds, Cornell ...

Before we get started on our activities for the day, let's watch Jaida's Mystery Show N Tell!  Can you guess it?

Did you guess it?  I didn't!  I guessed it was a biscuit cutter!  What did you guess?

We are going to start with a classic story about a bird and the best nest!

Is this book fiction or non fiction?  Even though it's fiction, did you learn anything about birds from this book?  I learned that birds use hay, string, straws, hair, and stuffing to build nests!  Did you know that we can learn new information even from books that are fiction?  I'm going to add what I learned to my web!  

These birds decided to build their nests in some unusual places!  

59 Unusual Bird Nests Built In The Weirdest Places | Bored Panda  Shoe House  Duck Nest Dove Nest Inside Basket
Nest On The Ladder 
Let's play I spy!

I spy a duck in a plant box.
I spy a nest on a ladder.
I spy a nest in a bicycle.
I spy a nest by a red light.
I spy baby birds inside a shoe!

We learned that birds use all kind of things to make nests!  Some birds use twigs, hay, hair and straw.  Some birds build their nests using mud.  Can you tell which nest is made from mud and which nest is made from twigs and straw?

Barn Swallow, Mud Nests from <i>Avian Architecture: How Birds ...  Nest Fest | Missouri Department of Conservation

I wonder which kind of birds live in the mud nest?  I wonder which birds are in the nest made from twigs?

(Parents, if you want to try to research this with your child, go for it!  The answer is swallows are in the mud nest and the twig nest is a robin's nest.)

Now it's time for you to build a nest! Find some things around your house that you could use to build a nest.  String? Straws?  Yarn?  What can you use?  Pretend you are a bird and build a nest for your eggs!  I can't wait to see a picture!  

Did you learning anything new today?  Is there anything you could add to your web?

For the weekend: 

Easter is this Sunday!  I am so excited!  Here is an activity for you to do outside, perhaps over the weekend when the weather is supposed to be nice again!    We learned before that Jesus died on a cross before going to heaven and a cross is a symbol of Jesus' love!  Have you ever been outside and seen a cross made from nature?  Hmm...I wonder if you can find any crosses in nature?

Here are crosses on plant leaves.  Do you see them?
Oxalis tetraphylla 'Iron Cross' (Good Luck Plant)

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter! 

(Parents: I'll be back with another post on Tuesday since Monday is a scheduled "no school" day for Easter Monday. )

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