Check out some of your scientific work!
Today we will check on our egg soaked in corn syrup. I wonder what happened to it? Did you make your hypothesis? Let's find out!

We discovered that the egg shriveled back down to it's normal size and that it was bright yellow. The corn syrup was watery and thin! When we held a flashlight up to it we could see through the egg and see the yolk inside!
Why did the egg shrink in corn syrup?
This is because the corn syrup is full of sugar. The sugar can't pass through the thin membrane of the egg like the vinegar could. The vinegar passed through the membrane of the egg, making the egg larger. (Osmosis!) The sugar could not pass through the membrane, so the water that was already inside the big vinegar egg moved outside the egg again, back into the corn syrup! The egg got smaller and the corn syrup got more watery!
Let's see if I can turn the egg green! Will it be green? Or will it stay yellow? Will the egg get smaller? Or will it get bigger?
Now, let's test the bouncy egg experiment again. I have one egg that was soaking in vinegar and one normal egg. Let's see how high I can drop each of the eggs without them breaking. How high do you think I can drop the normal egg without it breaking? Make a prediction! How high do you think I can drop the bouncy egg without it breaking? Make a prediction!
We will use a tape measure with inches to measure the height. Ready? Here we go!
It's time to finish what scientists called, "the scientific process".
1. We asked a QUESTION. What will vinegar and corn syrup do to an egg?
2. Then we created HYPOTHESES
3. Next we conducted EXPERIMENTS to test the hypotheses.
4. Then we OBSERVED and TOLD ABOUT what we saw after the experiments.
5. The last step is to SHARE your work with others. What did you learn? What happens to eggs when they are soaked in vinegar and corn syrup? Draw your answer in your notebook and then share it with someone in your family. You could share the information with someone who lives with you or do a virtual phone call with someone else! Who would you like to tell what you learned?
Lastly, I just got news that the first egg in the nest at Emma's house hatched! Check it out!
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