Today it's going to be a bit of a rainy day, so I thought we could do an activity that would help us use our imagination to see something else outside our windows today!
First, let's start with a story! This story is called Outside My Window and is all about what people around the world see outside their windows.
Let's take a look outside your window! Choose a window in your house. Take a minute to observe. What do you see? What colors do you see? What textures do you see? Do you see anything you have never noticed before?
Let's play a game! Ready? Go!
Jump 5 times if you see a tree
Stand on one foot for 4 seconds if you see a house
Clap your hands 8 times if you see a cloud
Run in place and count to 20 if you see a bird
Spin in a circle 3 times if you see a flower
Sing Rain Rain Go Away if you see rain
Now get a piece of paper or your notebook (if it's blank paper.) Turn it vertically (up and down.) First, draw what you see outside your window. Your challenge is to use more than 3 colors in your drawing! Can you draw textures you see? Now comes the really fun part! Imagine. What do you want to see outside your window? Do you want to see a beach? A train? A monster? Imagine anything! Now add it to your picture! Explain what you want to see to your grown up!
(Parents, write down your child's words or encourage them to label their picture.)
(Parents, before you read the next activity aloud to your child, read it first and decide if you can and want to do this at your home.)
Now we are going to make some window art! There are two ways we can make art on your windows. Ask a grown up to help you.
1. Put painter's tape on your window in different shapes. Mix washable paint, water, and a little bit of dish soap. Paint inside your taped lines to create a beautiful stained glass window! (Test a small corner of your window first.) Here is an example:

2. The second way you can do this is with contact paper. Spread contact paper onto a window. Then cut out small pieces of colorful paper. Stick them onto the contact paper. You could also cutout the contact paper in shapes, like a cross, butterfly or hearts. Here is an example:

Or, if you are unable to decorate a window, you can do the first idea on your sidewalk with painter's tape and sidewalk chalk!
Lastly, do you remember the story of Jesus from yesterday? We learned that he died on the cross, then his body was put into a tomb. Then what happened? On Easter, his body wasn't in the tomb. Where did he go? To heaven! Easter is when we celebrate Jesus living again in heaven with God! We are going to do a little story game. You need to find objects around your house to retell the story of Easter. These objects will be symbols in your story. Look around your house and find something to be a...
Now that you have an object for each of these pieces of the story, use the objects to retell the story to someone in your house!
(Parents, let your child think creatively! Jesus could be a doll, the cross could be two popsicle sticks, the tomb could be a rock, heaven could be a clump of cotton balls, and an angel could be a toy butterfly. There are no wrong answers.
Some children may need extra support with this. To help them understand, show them pictures of Jesus, a cross, tomb, heaven and an angel. Then pick out certain attributes you see in the picture and see if they can find something to match that attribute. For example, a picture of heaven is often represented with clouds or sunshine. What could your child use to be a cloud or sun? For children who need an extra challenge, add in other parts of the story of Easter, for example, The Last Supper.)
Have a lovely day!
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