Today the weather is supposed to be beautiful! I hope you will play outside!
Let's see some of your work from yesterday with eggs!
Today we have one more book by Kevin Henkes! This story is called Waiting.
Have you ever had to wait for something before? Was it hard? Sometimes we have to be patient! We can practice our self-control strategies when it gets hard to wait. Do you remember the self-control strategies we learned at school? Can you show them to your parents? They are...
1. Take deep breaths
2. Give self arm squeezes
3. Hug a pillow or self
4. Talk to God
5. Take a break
Remember this song about self-control? Let's do it!
Today we have a little Bible lesson. Ask your grown up if they can read you a story about Jesus practicing self-control. The story is Matthew 4:1-11.
Here is a short cartoon that explains the story nicely to children:
How did Jesus practice self-control? Are you ready to practice self-control? We are going to do a self-control test! We will need some help from one of your grown-ups for this.
(Parents: This is called the Marshmallow Test. You need to have two marshmallows, or any other kind of treat that your child really really wants to eat. Have your child sit at the table. You put one marshmallow in front of them. Tell them they can eat it now OR if they can practice self-control for 10 minutes they can have two! Put a 10 minute timer on. They can look at it, touch it, smell it, but they can't taste it if they want two! If they can practice self-control for 10 minutes without eating the marshmallow, give them two! I highly encourage video taping clips of this as it's very fun to watch back!)
Your grown up will put one marshmallow or special treat in front of you at your table. You can eat it now. Or, if you can wait 10 minutes, you can have two! What self-control strategies can you practice while you wait? I wonder who will practice self-control for 10 minutes?
Ready? Set? Go!
Here is a fun timer to use!
Did you do it? Did you eat one marshmallow or two? Did you practice any self-control strategies while you waited? Draw a picture about it in your notebooks!
The last activity today is a fun block game to play with a partner. Watch Charlie and I play it below.
Now you try!
See you next week! I miss you all!
Have a fun weekend everyone.
Miss Karen